Sept 18th Malaysiaparty 's pick of to-day(picked from JP-[the 3rd PARTY] )
by { JP }
How should I starting to write this…
This all was an echo following my correspondence experiences with our beloved, voted and respectful(ED) (in bahasa - Yang pernah Berhormat) state assemblymen (ADUN - Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri). I don’t hope that any of you as my precious reader to having this whenever you’re encountering any complaint or constrained situation where you need a favour from your voted people’s representative (so called the ADUN).
To make this short, actually it’s not, lets me brief you what was going on > > >
July 01, 2009 WED - I visited housing area in Tmn Sri Sentosa, Klang.

Findings: 1. Drainage system failure; 2. High risk accidental T-junction.
I drew out a road map indicating the high risk T-Junction and wrote detailing in my blog > with hoping to get attention and then solution from authority board.

July 03 FRI - I asked YB Charles Santiago (VOTED Member of Parliament for Klang). In his Facebook, I wrote
Besides notified him about a suggestion to prevent accident in the high risk T-Junction,
{ .....
YB, one more issue:
The "longkang" drainage in Tman Seri Sentosa was cleaned out the last time before election last year.
Now its had been abandoned for whole year!
And mosquitos biten children !!
So please do something, YB. July 3 at 3:10pm • } -
July 05 SUN - YB Charles responded in his Facebook's with this >
{Charles Santiago
Dear Jeff -- please send me more info on the drainage situation in Taman Sri Sentosa. where specifically is the problem. July 5 at 3:42am }
With heart of grateful (way to catch solution), I replied >
Dear YB,
the longkang in front of single storey link house all blocked !
Water inside not moving..
Expecially in Lorong Dato Abdul Hamid ..
Kindly send people to check....
btw, i may able to photo shoot some photos for your reference. but if you able to take immediate action before that, so much appreciated, YB
JP July 5 at 3:48am • }
After being waited day after days and worrying about the mosquitoes growth in thousands which sting children, and there was none of any more response by YB Charles.
July 20, 2009 MON - I pasted tens of photos with each clearly showing blocked drains and with clear indication of streets’ name in a blogsite >

Further to this, I notified YB Charles (in Facebook) at the same time>
{..YB Tuan Charles,
......with according to our previous conversation onTmn Seri Sentosa issues, here is photos showing the sucked "longkang".
(anyway, only one piece of photos allowed in FB, for further more of these sucked, go to my blog at
btw, I thought you 'd already sent people to work out somethings on this, seem ... umm, photos showed. Please further your action, YB as mosquitoes multiple increased with this sick situation. Appreciate very much. July 20 at 12:34am • }

Besides pasting photos at the blog ( to notice YB Charles, this time I decided to call to his phone to notice him verbally in order to find out why there was no response, as my worries goes on with the stinging children mosquitoes. Dengue ? H1N1 ? He cares or not ?? !
I rang to YB Charles (016-XXX 7797) at around 8pm the same few day.
A lady named herself [Sara] answered.
JP: “Hello, Is this YB Charles around? ”
Sara: “I am assistant to YB, Sara here ”
JP: “Miss, this is regarding a public concern issue in Tmn Sri Sentosa, Klang..”
(without clearly acceptance of my complaint) This quick-react lady answered: “Would you mind to call back tomorrow in the office hour? It’s after office hour already.”
.....well, I was tending to throw her back this (CAN I SAY I MIND)
but I didn’t and answered politely: “Thank you, Miss. Then I will call you again tomorrow.” The phone hung up!
Afternoon on the next day – I called again the 016-XXX 7797.
JP: “Regarding my yesterday call about the issue in Tmn Sri Sentosa. Drains system failure. Mosquitoes grow a lot with biting children…..”
Sara: “Oh.. (ya) ….but that area is under another ADUN. The (Keadilan) Dr. Xavier. You call him.”

(My God! Now only she’s saying this, after all my photo shot postings and correspondences in Charles Santiago Facebook…)
JP: “ok. What number I should call?”
Sara: “wait….call this 03-XXXX 4595 the ADUN office”. Phone hangs up (without HER hesitating).
I called the 03 without hesitating too. After several times trying, then got through. They gave me another number to call due to their fixed line problem (phone line disruption). What the hell? Couldn’t they fix their line? This reminds me when I needed to call certain authority board the time we was having BN’s governance. Let me know whoever able to call through the 1800 JPJ complaint-number pasted on every registered lorry? I thought Pakatan should be better in handling this.
“Call to SUK office – 03-XXXX 7306” The one in the ADUN office told.
By the way, who can tell what the hell is this [SUK] means for? (please la, I am just an ordinary citizen - who have voted for yours)
Then I called and they gave me another number (again) 019-XXX 7246 to call their “action-taking / task force” guy – Mr Raju. She said this guy will HELP.
(Actually, who is HELPING who? I scratching my head. In this type of public concern issue, I’m forwarding them this piece of “recipe” which they might getting well political mileage if they settling the complaint (off course, by calling whole gang of reporters to publish in news media);
(but sigh and damned they behaved like we supposed to beg them for clearing help!)
I, as not a resident that area but just coincidental discovered that sucking drains, was eagerly to forward this issue to respectful people’s representative (state government) for unnecessary rising of serious matter (likes dengue death); but this folk of "arrogantist" just keeping their arrogant with showing their moron attitude acting like “superman”!
(My goodness) ok, fine. Nonetheless, it’s half way now…so, I ticked on my phone again. What would happened if I just cut saving my phone bill here ? Would these arrogantist inform their Pakatan’s counterpart ? Aren’t they in the same coalition governing the state?
I ticked on my phone again with dialing that given number (019-XXXX 7246) >
JP: “Hello, Mr Raju ?”
Raju: “Yes”
JP: “It’s regarding ….bla..bla..bla (the same sentence I had repeated for many times)”
JP: “…and there are some photos shot pasted in this blog at > indicating clearly which streets having drain failure problem”
Raju: “ok. We will send people to check.”
JP: “Thank you very much, Mr Raju.” still with my heart of grateful after his PKR’s type of soft talk.
“By the way, you are Dr. Xavier’s ….. ?”

Raju: “I am aide (assistant) to Dr. Xavier”
And this time, hopefully thing get done with Mr. Raju’s sounded politely and convincible.
After a week, I called Mr Raju again.
JP: “Hello, Mr Raju.”, “How is the progress on my last week compliant about longkang in Tmn Sri Sentosa?”
Raju: “Oh, ya. Regarding this matter. We are going to that area tomorrow.(MPK and YB) are going together.”
Was I overheard that YB Dr. Xavier is going too?
JP: “Great to hear that. Remember to shoot some nice photos then paste onto YB’s blog to let us know what is the outcome and solution.”
Early, I checked YB Dr. Xavier’s blogsite and its telling that YB Dr. Xavier is holding another post extremely-related to my complaint – Selangor state Executive Council (EXCO) for Health. That’s great, with his concern in health sector, I believed he absolutely don’t want any flying kite numbers in dengue cases.
“Thanks again, Mr. Raju.” I grate him.
We (me and my contact lives there) waited until the next day, but they sang us a James Bond’s song - [Tomorrow Never Come] !
I called Mr Raju on the spot.
Raju: “I personally had drop by to see the situation there. And we will forward complaint to MPK (Majlis Perbandaran Klang). Things will be settled.”
Really? I started to doubt … early he said MPK and YB should dropped by and checked…..was I overheard ?
Then we waited for another week. Thing NOT yet been settled! Drains still badly smeary disgusting, mosquitoes still flying in thousands in every evening and worst still after each rainy day, water floated up with worms sticking and jigging beside the drains – some dying and drying inside residents’ houses!
We can’t wait anymore and I decided to call news media this time.
(Some might have curious why we didn’t call MPK directly.) Well, I leave it to be answered by imaginations of you all. It will justify on level of maturity and political mind-set growth after the last Tsunami election where we had changed this state government to be a (opposition) – Pakatan state for the first time ever in Selangor. We thought it’s different from BN.
We were not expecting them to be “Superman” especially just right after taking role in state Selangor.
Still considering NEW after one year?!! Acceptable.
Council members or enforcement department still occupied by Umnoputras (as said by one of my brilliant buddy in Facebook) – causing these Pakatan’s ADUN obstacle to delegate job downward? What nonsense? After a whole year, still the same situation?
..ok! then just sit comfortably there and do nothing! See how these Umnoputra (if there’re really exist) as you said will transmitting such “goodnews” to their mastermind and how will these all morons be pin-pointed in the next election!
(This was what I thought then, that’s why I was being sooOooOoo friendly to notify these Pakatan’s morons. But now I am almost being an Umno-helping hand in putting all this in letter words. Who fault? Who forced? )
Somewhere back in between month end of July and beginning of August.
I called the Star (which is a pro-BN news media as perception by most of us).
But then, the editor gave me few “helpful numbers”…..
Editor: “You may call to Ronnie Liu. He is the one monitoring (in-charge) for all (Pakatan) ADUNs’ performances in state.”
(I never knew got such a post to monitor other ADUNs’s performance) ??
"His number 012-XXX 3656 and office 03-XXXX 7150.”
I was surprised too why the editor was being so “nice” without publishing this “demolishing” news but given me Ronnie’s number; maybe he was a “Trojan horse” !??
I called then.
JP: “Hello, can I speak to YB Ronnie ? Ronnie Liu ?”
Daniel: “YB is in the middle of discussion. I am Daniel, assistant to YB. What it is regarding?”
JP: “Chinese? Mandarin ok?” *(this time, thought of using my mother tongue as my Engrand level low and that’s why that Mr Raju might have gone somewhere else)
Daniel: “yes, Chinese.”
JP: “it’s regarding …bla..bla..bla..(repeated, and again – til now, wondering how many times I had mentioned this)”
(as translated from Mandarin)
JP: “……..and I had also spoken to Dr. Xavier’s aide - Mr Raju, regarding this matter.”
Daniel: “We will raise a complaint letter to MPK.”
(Still, with a different hope falls to a different party-DAP this time, I grateful to Daniel)
…times going on after (few more weeks) > > >
NOTHING obviously seem been done to these sick drains! I’m really getting sick now!
Somewhere in the middle of August, I called back the Daniel’s number.
Surprisingly, who do you think answered the phone?
JP: “Hello, can I speak to Daniel?”
XXX: “What is it regarding?”
(sounded a big different with Daniel’s type of soft volume, this time the one answering sounded hard and firm volume like a Tai-Ko )

so I asked: “Is this YB Liu ?”
XXX: “ha. Huh. (he wasn’t laugh. You know, it’s a bit like admitting to my question)”
XXX: “Who is this?”
JP: “I called Daniel weeks ago. Regarding sick drains issue in Tmn Sri Sentosa, Klang.”
XXX: “I’m in a hospital now, I can’t talk.”
JP: “I’ll call you back tomorrow.”
I got know about this moron’s aide being admitted to a hospital due to that “loyal” aide refusing to follow ICAC officers back for investigation, only after I hung up phone and read a web news. My heartiest sympathy to his aide too but no sorry to the moron.
I called him again the following days.
JP: “Regarding sick drains in Tmn Sri Sentosa”
XXX: “I can’t talk now. In a meeting.”
(WATA FUCK!!! I tended to throw him back this word. How should I knew when is the best time to call; why don’t this mind retarded people’s representative serves to reply my call whenever he’s free of being moron ??!!! )
This time, still without saying any bad-bad word to him, to behave in “pretending” politely (sigh…they even can’t pretend as good as me), I just hung up the phone without saying any word!
This is the end ~.. this is a real ending for all moron servings, even most of us don’t wish to see it’s an ending for Pakatan governance in Selangor!
Post Note: now I know why the Star’s editor directed me to call Ronnie, don’t you?
NOTE (again): This was the reason I had created a group in Facebook to shout loud to these morons [say NO to “gaji buta” ADUN / MP] and up-to-date its membership figuring 300 only, with ordinary citizens, voters and even Pakatan – DAP’s and PKR’s are joining too. I can assure you, after my written of this, bundles of them might just quit due to:
1. Conflict to their rules of conduct of each political party accordingly, where what I condemning was their Pakatan’s counterpart;
2. Completed their info news-spying onto their opponent party’s opinion.
But, still many others will keep staying as:
1. It is their right of freedom to join any other non-partisan group (my group stated clearly – we will condemn BN’s too if they tagged “gaji buta”);
2. They know that I am non-partisan and just an ordinary voter, where they will treat my written as an alarm to alert their counterpart.
And I hope more and more of my precious readers will join the group too as you may encounter similar constrained situation too one day, who knows?
[comment section at the original post <HERE>, judge your own, Malaysian] > > >